Friday, August 29, 2008

Back to School?

As most parents during this time of year, we are registering the boys for school. We got free food for two nights out of the deal, so it was worth it. We've done the buying school supplies thing, and the meet the teacher thing and the visit the classroom thing. Now we are all just waiting for the big day. The boys are counting the hours, since this will be the first time ever they have gone to school. Up till now they have been home schooled, but in roughly 80 something hours, they will trot off to enter a whole new world. To them, classrooms are new, real desks are novel, and a teacher that isn't related to you unheard of. They can't wait. Bus rides, school lunches, new friends, school bells, bullies, lockers, book bags, sports, and homework all brand new.

I wonder where in life we turned the corner from 'still got school' to 'Been there done that'. Because there is something vital lost when we stop feeling the hunger to learn. Somewhere having it together becomes more important than learning new things. No wonder so many of us are bored.

After 25 years in traditional Christianity, I have begun a journey outside the institutional church and it has set my world on fire again. Everything I have believed for years is getting challenged. I am getting stretched and my world upset around every corner. It isn't the easiest journey I have ever been on, but it is most definitely the most alive one I have ever been on. I have to admit it is good to be back to school again.

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