Thursday, December 25, 2008

Face plants for Jesus

I went snowboarding yesterday with my son Trevor. Let's just say it was deeply humbling. But I think I got points for trying. How many men do you see out there learning snowboarding in their late 40's? Of course my 40+ year old body can't hardly move today. Some of those muscles haven't been used for decades.

I managed to go all the way to the 12,000 foot summit and snowboard down. It only took 40 minutes and 16 falls to do so. There were points where I was afraid I'd be walking down, snowboard over my shoulder, but eventually I made it down, beard covered in snow and my ears bright red. (Nothing a nap in the truck couldn't fix!)

After lunch I relinquished my feeble attempt at being young, and got my skis on. Where before my son had to wait patiently for his dad to get up 36 times per run, now the old man was giving him a run for his money.

I have to admit - I like being expert. Put me on a pair of skis and I can make it down the slope without nose diving in a snow bank - at least looking like I know what I am doing. But as much as I like looking expert, it was revealing to try something new. What I mean by that is this - choosing to enter my son's world earned some respect. I could have matched him all day long on skis, but daring to face plant a few dozen times somehow elevated my status with him. The old man was willing to not be an expert, and enter the world of an 18 year old.

I am so thankful I didn't get hurt. And I am so thankful that we have a God who comes down to our level as well.

For He did not consider being equal with God as something to be hung on to, but emptied Himself and became like a man.....

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