Sunday, January 4, 2009

Grace and power

Sometimes I am completely boggled by the concept of grace. It is one of those things you just have to experience. When you have done something awful, and the very person you hurt is loving back instead of being bitter and awful in return - that's grace. Or when someone gives you a gift with absolutely no strings attached. I have always heard it said that grace is unmerited favor. Why is it that Christians say phrases like that and never translate it? Grace is when you are given something or something is done for you that you don't deserve. It is a 'just because' gift that isn't about you, but about their choice to give.

There are so many ways to be powerful in the world. We can intimidate people by being smart or strong or loud or big or swearing a lot. We can be powerful by putting other people down and shaming them. We can be powerful by controlling people and manipulating them through your higher status on the hierarchy ladder at work or in the church. We can be powerful by guilting people or making them feel obligated. We can be powerful by being really angry or really selfish or really depressed. I guess there really isn't an end to the list is there?

But I really believe that there is nothing more motivating and ultimately powerful that grace. Because grace is the only way to be powerful that has nothing to do with the other person. It has totally to do with us. If I choose to be graceful in an interaction, it is my gift to give. It doesn't require a response or a change from that other person. It is my power! It is my wonderful gift to wield as I want. It really does make me ultimately powerful - in a profoundly loving way - because I am the only one who can use it. And the very definition of grace implies that it is good. It can't be other than that.

So if you want to be really powerful and deeply motivating to others in the world, throw your weight around a little bit. Be in grace every moment of every day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great new way to look at Grace. I actually feel tempted to TRY it some time. I'll let you know.