Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Plugged in but not connected

Several years ago I actually was able to say to people that I didn't have an email address. It seemed back then that everybody wanted one. Now I not only have more than one email, but I also have a blog, a website, a book, more than 50 articles on the web, and Facebook. And then there are things like Twitter that I have not started yet. Let's not even go to cell phones, instant messaging, checking email from a phone, and all the other techo gadgets....

It strikes me as odd that we can connect with other people a hundred different electronic ways, but we really don't connect with people. We are plugged in, but we aren't connected. I wonder how much real relating is happening. I talked to a friend on the phone today on the way to work, and it was great to talk, but I longed to deeply connect - an option that doesn't seem to be available through the many ways we have to 'connect'.

More options, less substance. Makes you wonder where are we heading as a nation, as a people, and as the body of Christ.

It is funny that society is so interested in connecting....but not really.

1 comment:

adventure_coach said...

speaking of connecting i've been thinking about you lately...sorry it's been a while, hope this superficial hello on the blog leads to some real connecting soon- shane