Thursday, February 14, 2008


Ever hear the phrase "Twiteling your thumbs"? My folks used to use those words to describe the process of waiting. It was what you did when you were waiting. I am not a very good thumb twiteler, so needless to say, I am not very good at waiting either. I like instant gratification and spontaneity, not long drawn out ordeals. Lately, life has become a long drawn out ordeal.

For the past year we have been thinking about moving to the mountains somewhere. I have lived in the plains of the midwest for more years than I even want to mention. It's flat here, meaning that backpacking through the corn rows ain't real excitin'. I have longed to live in the mountains ever since I learned about mountains. I remember being 8 years old and seeing the Rockies for the first time. I remember it distinctly because I thought they looked like big thunderheads brewing on the horizon. I thought Dad was joking when he said they were mountains. The image of those towering masses jutting into the sky is forever imprinted on my brain.

For the last 2 months we have been trying to find a property in the mountains to move to. We found one, and the ordeal of getting it to work out has been more than grueling. We have had to let go of it more than 6 times, and somehow it keeps rising from the dead. Tomorrow it is supposed to close. I am still keeping my fingures crossed. But we won't be able to move for 3 weeks. Hence the twiteling of the thumbs.

Papa seems to like twiteling of thumbs, because he seems to ask me to do it alot. I guess some folks fold their hands to pray. Some raise their hands in worship to God. I guess my way of honoring him is by twiteling.

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