Monday, August 18, 2008

Fighting Normal

I guess I am like most guys. I get up in the morning. I putter with the things in my life I have to do. I wrestle with my personal demons and varying victories. Things are pretty normal most of the time.

I heard a guy say once that 'Normal' was a setting on a clothes dryer. I like that. The more I look at it, I realize that 'Norm' isn't my friend

Deep inside is this hunger to experience God more. I don't mean lightening coming from the sky or the earth opening up and swallowing something. I mean that I fight this glaze that grows over my life without my noticing. God could do something pretty incredible and within a couple days it is back to life as usual. How many times have I heard people say 'If God would only do something miraculous, then I would believe'. Yet I know that He does miraculous things often, and within 48 hours the thing He has done has begun to dull, to lose it's 'spectacular'.

I don't want to have to fight Norm. I want my Norm to be a regular experiencing of His grace and presence. I want to have eyes that see Papa in everything. I want to wake up in the morning with an awe that He made another day. I want to notice the little things and stand slack jawed in my overwelmedness. I want to celebrate all that He has given - especially the stuff that 'Normal' hides.

Normal isn't a good thing sometimes, and when it grows over the wonder of who He is and what He has done and what He is doing, I don't particularly like Normal. I see that religion does that - it quickly paints a glaze over a vibrant relationship with a personal God who is dieing to just love us. It gives us things to do and activities that seem like they would be fulfilling, but usually end up just making us over worked, over tired, and feeling guilty. I don't want more things to do. I want fresh eyes and ears to see and hear my Papa - I know He is right here, always.

So I guess I will continue to fight Norm. He hides around every corner. Lord, give me the faculties to erase the glaze of what always is and see the wonder of life around me that is always happening.

1 comment:

Free Spirit said...

Yep, we girls have just as big a battle with good 'ol Norm. He's such a bore!