Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lost in the dark

I have been out of town this weekend visiting some good friends in the Midwest. They have provided me with a wonderful room in the cool of the basement - away from the heat and humidity of the luxurious Midwest summer.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night totally lost. I didn't know where I was, and I kept questioning over and over where Laura had disappeared to. I couldn't figure out why she wasn't next to me. I found myself stumbling through the pitch blackness trying to find a light switch, still clueless as to where I was. I fumbled against a few walls and finally found a switch. I didn't know where I was, and when the light went on, I couldn't figure out what my friends basement bathroom was doing at my house. It was a very strange feeling.

The journey with Papa has been taking me much in the same direction lately. Lots of stumbling in the dark and wondering where I am going. Sometimes I step outside myself and observe my life and wonder what the heck it is that I am doing. It used to be easy to answer that. Early in my faith the answers seemed simple and cut out for me. Now they seem obscured and vague. I used to think there was something wrong with that - that life shouldn't be that way if I was really walking with God. After all, He is a God of order, not confusion. But the farther I follow, the more the walk is about taking His hand than it is about knowing the next step or the right answers. The mystery becomes the journey - trusting Him even when the way isn't clear and doesn't make sense (especially then). Willingness to stumble becomes my act of faith, it is my act of worship.

I am learning to know His hand, His voice, His Spirit in the darkness. I am seeing that His presence is becoming more and more my desire. And easy answers that come conveniently and cheaply just don't cut it anymore.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Wow, Mike, you speak the language that I feel my heart is speaking... I think that this journey, like you said, is not just cut out and layed in front of us to follow, it is a mystery that we find ourselves stumbling around in the dark not knowing where we are or how we got there and even where we are going. My experience with Father has been like that exactly, finally getting to the point of accepting this journey differently than what I have ever known, and having the willingness to stumble. It's hard sometimes but worth every stumbling step!

Awesome thoughts!

In Freedom, Nicole!