Sunday, May 3, 2009

Walking in blessing

I am overwhelmed lately with the goodness of God. I don't know what it is, but He seems to be everywhere, doing things that I just didn't see before. And to be honest, I don't know what to do with it.

I learned earlier in the journey to be okay with the crappy parts of life. I learned that I would follow God even if it didn't make sense, and when there didn't seem to be much of His presence on the trail. I was able to get to a place where I would follow Him, regardless of the path.

But now, "following regardless of the path" has taken on a dimension I hadn't planned on. It actually was easier to follow when things were predictably tough. But now I am in a season where God is blessing and moving and working in ways I never imagined, and I am finding it hard to just be in it.

What a funny problem to have - to struggle being in the good stuff of life. But I know that I need to be willing to follow into this as much as I was willing to follow into the rough times. But I never imagined taking in blessing could be hard.

I find myself deeply thankful that I didn't give up this path when the going was hard. Thank you Papa for the circle of blessing and trial.


De'Anna said...

Isn't that a fact. It can be hard to just let someone love on you, and love you for just being you. I am reminded everytime about God's love for me when I look at any animal grazing in a field. He cares for them just the way they are, and they praise him by being who they are. It's very humbling! Gotta love Papa for being who he is when you see such things!

Unknown said...

Wow. I haven't been inspired like this for a long time. I commend your path. I hope God will continue to guide you. God bless.