Friday, February 1, 2008

Honest relating

I love being a coach. Life coaching is a very unique profession where I am invited into the very workings of a person's life as their life is happening. It isn't like counseling where old things are hashed and reprocessed. It is a lot like mentoring or personal pastoring, only I can say bullshit and nobody really cares. It is what I was created to do.

What I like about coaching is the backstage pass I get into the real stuff of life. We can cut through the BS of normal life (there's that word again) and get quickly to the stuff that matters more than anything else. I am so deeply humbled when a man invites me into that place and I find some miraculous things happening there. Not because I am some awesome coach, but because God shows up. It's like the Bible says - when two or more are gathered in His name, He is in our midst. That is so true with coaching. Only the way we experience God seems so much more real, so much more authentic and visceral. We can feel the pulse of Papa's blood flowing through the conversation.

And with all that comes a deep heart question I have struggled with for years. Why doesn't He use that vehicle more? I don't understand. It's like having an exotic car sitting in the garage that you only drive once or twice a year. Maybe men are too intimidated by the intensity of what happens in coaching. But it's an intensity that says to the man in jail "The door is open, the bars removed. Run, be free, enjoy." I don't know if I will ever understand even a fraction of what and who and how my Daddy is. The eternal God of mystery.

I want to enter into the adventure of life with men who are ready to live!!

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