Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Smelly Problem

I have this thing about body odor. Not mine, just everybody else's. I walked by a guy this morning who I could smell from 10 feet away. I guess my nose is extra sensitive or something. I don't know how people can't smell themselves, and why nobody tells them that they stink. Surely there must someone in their lives who loves them enough to say "Hey dude, you need to take a shower, 'cause you staaaaank!"

I know, I sound like a jerk don't I. Sorry, that's not my intention. A couple thoughts go through my head when I step back and look at this smelly problem. The first is that I wonder if the problem might be that the smelly dude might not have anybody who loves him enough to tell him he smells. It might be that he doesn't have any friends. The second thing that strikes me about this odorous issue is that we all have body odor, don't we? Let me explain.

There is a scent we all give off, whether we know it or not. I don't mean our body smell though. I mean that the way we live and the way we think and the way we treat people gives off a 'smell' that others can pick up. It's the aroma of our lives - it is the fragrant (or not so fragrant) offering before the Lord. And some of us don't have anybody in our lives to tell us we aren't smelling very well. Everybody stays away because the 'smell' is too strong.

I wonder what kind of odor we give off? I wonder if people don't tell us we stink sometimes because they are afraid to. We all stink sometimes you know. Sometimes we can even smell it. The way we live isn't very fragrant before Him.

I want to live in a way that is a pleasing offering before my Papa. I know I stink. I know sometimes that the pungent overwhelm wafting into my nostrils is the smell of my own junk, not anybody else's.

Maybe we all need to take a really long shower. Maybe I am the only one. Whatever, I am deeply thankful that Papa's love for me is all about His grace, and his profound lack of smell.

1 comment:

Micah Andrews said...

Man this is freaky. I was reading this morning in Matthew 7 about "they will be known by their fruit". It is the smell that we give off that people recognize us by. It is our spiritual stench! I'm working on this thought of the "fruits of the Spirit" and all of this fits right in to my thinking. It's like the i-phone. Whether you are actually on the phone and using it or not... it transmits a signal at all times connecting wirelessly to wi-fi so you can have uninterupted internet access. It's like GPS, whether you plug in a destination or not it is always imminating a signal... that the fruit that others know us by. Whether we do it on purpose or not... it is our fruit. Sorry but my mind got a little wired after a HUGE cup of Dunkin Donuts Coffee (my third love). Anyway, hope all is well.
Micah Andrews