Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ruff Roof

For the last few days I have been helping a friend roof his house. Each night I come home completely wiped out, sore in every part of my being. I would like to say it is worth it, but the truth is it is way too much like work - way too much.

I'll be honest - I am way too tired to really blog about much tonight. It has me pretty stretched to just stay awake.

Roofing is one of those reminders of how un-powerful we are. Every time I get up there I get my butt kicked. I realize that I am not so big, that I am not the next best thing to sliced bread, and I have some limits to what I can do - limits that I thought didn't exist 20 years ago when I got on a roof. Back then I thought, like every 20 year old, that I was invincible, that I was bullet proof, and that I could do the work of 6 people. Today I feel like I got beaten up by 6 people. Seeing myself clearly is a humbling experience.

Not being superman anymore makes me have to trust God a lot more than I used to - for my health, for my ability to provide for my family, for the courage to hang off an eave 20 feet in the air. Suddenly I find myself not so self sufficient - forced to live in Papa's provision and love.

I am learning that the roof is rough work, and that Papa is far more trustworthy than I have ever known.

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