Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dreams and worries

It seems that life happens in the middle of a paradox, somewhere between the dreams and the worries of our lives. All of us have them - those things that call us on, move us forward, and keep us climbing out of bed in the morning. And then on the other side are the things that drain us of life, the worries and stresses of our existence. We all have those too - the things that ruin our joy and rob us of our dreams. And most of our lives are lived in the space in between.

Where does God come into the mix? Where is He when it comes to that space between dreams and worries? I guess for me He is the very glue that keeps my world from being torn apart as the dreams pull my life one direction and the worries pull the other. He is the one who keeps us from going crazy in the middle stuff.

I wonder how people make it who don't have God?

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