Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Life has taken me to a place where I end up having to drive a lot. So being the cost conscious tight wad that I am, I coast, trying to save on gas. There is a big hill I end up driving quite frequently that I can kick the car into neutral on and coast over 5 miles. I don't know how much gas I am really saving, but it makes me feel better to watch the miles go by without the engine doing much work.

I notice that there are two kinds of coasting in life. The first is when we think we have arrived at a certain goal, and we stop putting in the time. Like the last couple months of a presidential term - the lame duck syndrome. Sometimes we don't think we can make any difference, and sometimes we just quit trying to make a difference. Whatever, we end up coasting and not doing the work. I see a lot of Christians like that - not doing much of anything, just coasting through their relationship (or lack thereof) with God. I guess that would be bad coasting.

But there is another form of coasting that isn't about shirking responsibility as much as it is about trusting God. Learning to go with the natural desires and interests that Papa put in us is a form of coasting that says "I trust what He is doing and where the natural gravity of His spirit is leading, and I'll rest in that - in His presence and guidance." It is a very cool place to be.

So which are you? Are you coasting? If so, are you letting Him lead you, or are you just plain losing interest? They might both be easy, but for totally different reasons.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the challenge Mike.
I feel that I have been coasting along in life and especially in my walk with Him. I know that Papa has put a dream inside me to make a difference in the community I live in but Everytime I begin to make a move to bring that dream to reality I go into doubt but deep down I know that I have a Trust issue with Papa .