Saturday, March 7, 2009

The line between young and old

I watched an old guy buying paint at the hardware store today. As par for the course, I was in a hurry. He acted like he had all the time in the world. And I realized that most of my life has been lived in a hurry. I wondered as I watched him, where the line is between young and old. When do you wake up and have time to kill? When does the pace change?

I realize that this guy at the store probably was retired and didn't have anything to hurry off to. His pension check or social security check or whatever he used to live on came regularly in his life. I am still in that phase of life where I wonder where the next meal is coming from, and how I am going to pay the bills this month. I guess he had the luxury of income - to some extent at least- that he didn't have to work for. I was still chasing the almighty dollar.

I know the day is coming when I will wake up with lots of time on my hands and little to do. I suppose on that day I will have all the time in the world. But today I find myself still in a hurry, still trying to survive.

The line between young and old will happen without me knowing it. And I will look back on this busy day and wonder what all the scurrying was about. And when all is said and done, will the scurry of this season balance the slowness of the next? Will the young still living in me regret that I didn't relax a little more? Or will I be glad that I hurried when I had a reason to hurry?

I know for sure that Papa loves me, that this life isn't what it is all about, and that someday He will make all of it make sense. And I know He is the reason for life, hurried or slow paced. I am so thankful that it isn't about me!

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