Monday, April 13, 2009

After He Rose

So it is the day after Easter. It should be one of the most exciting days of our year, but it usually means we go back to the same old routine without much having really impacted us.

I was thinking about what today would have been like for the disciples. The very hope of their existence had come true - He had risen. And so began the adventure. Because from His rising till today, it has been a wild and crazy ride. I mean, think about it - tomb empty with angels hanging around, unpredictable visitations from the risen Christ, personal encounters that redeemed the fallen and doubting, Him magically appearing all over. Think about the church sharing daily, then the dispersion, then persecution. It has been much more than an adventure.

So why is boredom the biggest struggle most Christians have? I suppose because we have traded the adventure for the predictable. After all, it is a lot safer.

The day after He rose - isn't that where the rubber really meets the road? Otherwise it is just another holiday full of bunnies and eggs and pastel flowers. So when the rubber meets the road in your own life, what will change because of the celebration yesterday? Does He live? Or did He rise in vain? The answer will be determined in how you live today.

1 comment:

adventure_coach said...

we have become boring in relationships and all so predictable in everything else that we do- Graham Cooke

i like pastels sometimes