Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I was driving to work this morning and listening to the radio. At about the 126th commercial, I shut it off. As I drove relishing the silence, it dawned on me that commercials are a choice we make. We are just as culpable as the Radio stations and TV stations in the whole mess. Somewhere we agreed to a TV commercial every 10 minutes. When I was younger, it used to be every 15, but some rocket scientist discovered that you could get more commercials in if you did them every ten minutes rather than fifteen. So we sit on the couch and agree to sit through an interruption every ten minutes. We agree to stupid commercials when we run out and buy the peripheral item that we really don't need. Commercials convince us that we need them. What a farce!

What would life be like if we were to unplug from it all? If we stopped being okay with a commercial every ten minutes, what would happen to our world?

Why have we created this system? Is it working? Or more accurate is the question 'Do we want it to keep working?'

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