Thursday, July 2, 2009

Walking through chaos

Life has been really busy lately. We had a trip to Tucson for 5 days, then a trip into the back country for 5 days, all the while having friends in town. It has been strange to let myself sit in the chaos and just learn from it. Not my normal style...

I find it hard to remind myself that Papa is in even the chaotic times. He never leaves us. He is right here, all the time. I have to remind myself that He doesn't leave when I feel alone or lost or chaotic. There is no way to separate from Him, even if I wanted. I belong to Him - we are one - I can trust His eternal presence.

So I am trying to walk in this new truth, this more correct understanding of His participation in my life. I am trying to challenge the thinking that says He leaves me when things are busy or chaotic. I am reminded of the times when some moron has tried to tell me that God is never chaotic, and that if I am in chaos, He isn't. Although I believe that God is never in a chaotic state, I know that He is with me when I am in a chaotic place. There is a huge difference.

God is here. God is now. And He walks with me regardless where I go. I am deeply appreciative of my Papa who doesn't vacate when my world gets scattered. He is the centering place, the sense in the middle of nonsense, the anchor in the storm.

Thank you Papa for you steadfast presence in my life.

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