Sunday, June 21, 2009

Making things happen

I am beginning to see that there are two different kinds of people in the world. There are those that wait for things to happen in life, and there are those who make things happen in life. I am definitely the 'make things happen' kinda guy. But there are times when I find myself just waiting. I don't mean the times when God tells me to wait. I mean the times when I abdicate my call to 'make happen', and find myself just waiting for something.

Some of us are just made that way - to make things happen. But sometimes you look in the mirror and you realize that making things happen puts you at risk. You might make mistakes. You might look dumb. You might get labeled as impulsive or half assed because you take the risk rather than counting the cost.

I choose to believe that Papa made some of us the way we are, and that we can trust His natural bent within us. I will be scary - it is supposed to be. That is why they call it a walk of faith rather than a sure thing.

So being a 'make things happen' kinda guy means I need to go make things happen. It doesn't mean that I don't listen to sound counsel or hold back sometimes. It means that I can trust the way I am made because of my belief in who made me. So 'making things happen' is my unique way of glorifying God.

So Papa, at those times when I really question if I am glorifying you, may you, in your eternal grace, make sense of my life and bring glory to You. Even if it is despite me......

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