Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Discovering my unimportance

I wonder sometimes what people like reading in my blogs. Some say they like the 'straight from the heart' style. Some say the thoughts I share are stimulating. Some say my mom pays them to read. I still wonder.

One guy who recently read said that there wasn't anything he hadn't heard before. I guess he is probably right. I wonder if there is anything new under the sun. I want to say profound things. I want to write in a way that is revolutionary and provocative. And I want people to read and get something unique out of what they read. I think maybe I had better hire a ghost writer.

The more I journey down this road, the more I am struck with my unimportance in the grand scheme of things. I used to think that meant to try harder - come up with something profoundly unique - be radically differenter than any other person (there - that has to be unique.) What it all boils down to is me being the mostest and bestest and all the other 'est' words one could think of. And when I step away from it all, I see a pretty sobering truth. It isn't about me.

The truth is that I could never be the bestest at anything, and if I did, it would draw lots of attention to me, and that's a problem. You see, I like attention, like most of us do. The problem is that God deserves the attention, not me. Every time I make something about me, I am taking the attention away from where it should be - on Papa. It is about Him - always, every time, in every way, totally, and without compromise. I WANT it to be all about Him.

So I guess I am learning to draw attention to Him, and be okay with not having the attention be on me. I really do want people to see this incredible God who is love - nothing less and nothing but. My deepest wish is that people will somehow see Him in a different light in what I write - even if mom has to pay them to.

1 comment:

Marrik McFie said...

"running the skid loader was worship for me" is something refreshingly new. I did hear someone once say that she worshiped God while cleaning her bathroom. She didn't mean singing either.

Good stuff... God and His selfless love is the center of it all.