Monday, September 8, 2008

Worship on a skid steer

When we moved into our house, we found out that Mo Ron Dumbunny had been the previous owner. Needless to say, I have spent the last several months fixing everything Mo Ron did. The past weekend it was renting a skid loader and removing the dirt that was encroaching on our house in the back. I have never used the word 'encroaching' before in a sentence - is was fun to use, and I think it means that the hill was creeping up on the house, which it was. Snow and ice and rain had brought more and more next to the house, and in some places it had pushed under the house. Bad dirt, Bad!

So I got to play with the Bobcat this weekend, which I have been lusting to do for a month. I thought it would be great fun moving dirt and changing the landscape of our home. After 12 hours on the thing, I find that it really was fun seeing all the changes, but I feel completely beat up after bouncing around in the thing for a day and a half. Every muscle in my body - both of them - is really sore today. Bad skid loader, Bad!

So what's my point? I suppose you are expecting some really deep analogy out of this aren't you. So my being sore from having dug dirt for the weekend isn't enough? Okay, okay. As I bounced around, I was actually having fun. I kinda hate to say it because I want everybody to think I was working, but I was inwardly, and ever so secretively enjoying most of it. And when I look at the results - our property looks really different - I see that I was actually good at running the thing. Sometimes that is enough - to enjoy and do something well.

It strikes me that running the skid loader was worship for me - that's why I did it on Sunday morning. I enjoyed it, and I did the work well. Isn't that what God really wants - that we do, whatever it is, for His glory? That we enjoy it and do it well. Sounds pretty simple. Maybe we need to have a power point program and a good looking, talented guy up front with 6 others who lead us in worship. I don't know. Maybe I am way off here. But when I stopped defining worship as 30 minutes of songs on Sunday morning, something grew in me. I began to see that it wasn't so important what I did. What was important was that I did whatever I did with my mind toward glorifying Him - doing it well and enjoying it to His glory.

Imagine how different the world would be if we just did everything well, and enjoyed it. Wouldn't that simple shift make a huge difference? If we decided to live lives of worship rather than making it an event for a specific day and time, how much different would we live?

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