Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lousy at Love

I have been overwhelmed lately with the simple truth of the gospel - that God is love. If I stop right there, I come face to face with my complete inadequacy in my ability to love. In common terms, I suck at love.

If the gospel of Jesus - the whole reason for Him dieing for us, the very crux of this huge plan of God's hinges around love - then what does that say about us following Him? If it is all about love, then how do we continually miss the mark? And if missing the mark is called, in Christianeze "sin", then our sin is not loving. Is there any need to complicate it?

As I sit with my own last question there, I realize that there is a need to complicate it. If we knew that our only task, our only way of being was the way of love, we would have to lay down our lives and do it. It is much easier to argue doctrine or get lost in church machinery than it is to face the mirror with our own lack of love. So simple - only four letters, but if we don't have love we are a clanging gong, a clashing 'symbol' of our own self focused-ness.

I am humbled that I don't even love myself very well. Lord, help me to love the least of these, even if that least is me.

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