Monday, September 1, 2008

No Labor Day

No Labor Day - I thought that was pretty clever (I usually am one of the few people that actually thinks I'm funny). Labor day is supposed to be a holiday (read 'don't work') where we take a day off and not do any labor. So shouldn't it be called No Labor day?

Being the rebel that I am, I worked today. I put a wood ceiling up in my office, forcing my bride to hold the other end of the boards. We got it almost all done before I ran out of lumber. Now it is afternoon and I am not quite sure what to do with myself since this is supposed to be No Labor Day. Relaxing has always been hard for me. I feel like I am wasting time when I am not accomplishing something. I seem to have two speeds - either gas peddle down to the floor, or napping. Up until the last few months, those were the only options. But God seems to be calling me to try and occupy space I have never occupied before. Maybe it is some new way of expanding my horizons, I don't know. All I know is that He has been leading me to move a little slower, to breath a little deeper, and to listen a little more often.

Don't get me wrong - I suck at all those things. I really haven't had much practice in my life time - too busy trying to win the rat race I guess. I am finding that it is really uncomfortable slowing down. Feelings of worthlessness and valuelessness come up far too frequently. I feel like I am in first grade again. But it is where Papa wants me, and it is where the path has led, so I follow.

After all, where did we ever get the idea that His path had to make sense? If we know He is leading, we must follow - what else could we do? Tell the God of the universe "No"?

So bring on No Labor Day! I'll see if I can do absolutely nothing with it.

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