Saturday, October 25, 2008

Double Drivin

The last couple days I have been driving to Denver and back. Actually, I have been driving to Denver and back two different times. It is a little over 5 hours one way, so that means I will have been on the road almost 22 hours when I get back home. With that much time on my hands, it has been interesting to find things to keep myself occupied. Of course with the massive brain power I wield, a Red Bull and a cigar serve to entertain me for hours.

Actually, it has been good being on the road. It has given me space to move into something new with Papa. I found myself entering territory previously unventured into, and liking the larger size of the space I was discovering. Being captive in a car with only Him forced me in some ways to draw close. It has been good.

I suppose I should have some big revelations having been cooped up with God for that long. But as I walk this journey I find that God isn't really about the big events as much as He is about the journey - the walking together through whatever comes down the tube. These last couple days we have traveled into some places I hadn't anticipated - imagine that! I see Him leading me into resurrecting some dreams that I thought had gotten lost in the tidal wave that consumed me a few years back. But He is bringing them back to light, and holding them before me, and I find myself deeply humbled and greatly hopeful again. It is good to be alive.

It strikes me that it is just like Papa to turn this great adventure in ways I didn't see coming. He is so very creative. And He is showing me for the hundredth time that He is still writing the story of my life. I think back to all the fatalistic views I have held of life and the hopelessness that has so many times overwhelmed me, and I see myself with such little faith. But I am convinced that He doesn't really care about my faith. It doesn't keep Him from being everything He wants to be in my life. I feel like a paint brush (okay, one without many bristles on his top side) that is being used to paint a picture that I can't see yet - one that is more beautiful than I could ever imagine. And it's a painting with His thumb prints all over it. I'm so glad Papa is a messy painter, and people can see His marks all over the picture.

Praise be to the God who is, who was, and who ever will be!

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