Monday, October 27, 2008

Lonliness and Connection - being the Body

There have been two topics making themselves known frequently in my life. They are both in an area of growth that I see necessary in the body of Christ. The first is loneliness. It's funny (not really very funny) how many people will share that at the very core of their being they feel profoundly lonely. They don't sense anyone in their corner, or any person that really sits with them there. The other area that I see needing attention is the opposite of that - connection. People are deeply longing for real and authentic connection with another human being. On one side connection, on the other a deep loss of connection.

I wonder why it is that we are supposed to be a family, and yet we are so divided. Maybe the answer is in the question - that we are not good at being family because we are so divided. I have to be honest - I am really tired of that. There is no excuse in the whole world for the state of the church. We have misdefined it as a place to go. We have misdefined it as an event to do. We have created a monster from what Jesus left us. I am ashamed by what we have become.

And yet there is always that remnant of hope. There are always a few who haven't gotten caught up in the machinery and the entertainment, and really love Jesus. There are some who don't really get distracted by the bright, shiny objects that contemporary Christianity dangles out there, but who passionately and simply just want to walk in relationship with God. Now how do we bridge the gap? How do people who are lonely find the people who are connecting?

I am thinking that it needs to be the other way around - that those in connection need to look for the lonely and be their friend. I think maybe we ought to bag stewardship campaigns and mission campaigns and offering for the food pantry, and just do this one thing. I think that if people were to get in and get their hands dirty serving and connecting with another human being - and that's all we did - we wouldn't have need of all those other things.

What could you do today to connect with another human? What simple step could you enter into that might make the real body of Christ happen? How could you be Jesus today?

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