Monday, January 26, 2009

Life after death?

Is there anything after this life? After working our 40 every week, after taking that 2 weeks of vacation we get each year, after all the tedious steps between our teen years and retirement, there comes the question about what really matters. I wonder if the eternal question of life shouldn't be challenged. It shouldn't be "Is there life after death". The question should be "Is there any life in our lives?" For far too often we settle for existing through the time we are given. We have forgotten how to live.

So what does it mean to be alive? I don't know if I have any magic answers. I know that if your life is about living to retirement so you can do what you really want to do, you are wasting your time. Where did we ever get the model that says I trade my youth doing something I don't love so I can get old and not have any youth to do what I love?

I think there are two messages that I want to convey. The first is this; Don't settle for doing something with your life that you don't love. Life is just too stinkin short to waste on employment that isn't from your heart.

The second is this; if you know what you will be doing next week and the week after that and the week after that, do something to upset the schedule. Parachute, learn to belly dance, buy a motorcycle, shave your head, paint your toenails, drink a beer, smoke a cigar, hike a mountain, drive too fast, sleep all day - just do SOMETHING out of the routine of life. Grab hold of a spark plug, get struck by lightening, put battery charger clamps on your ears. Come back to life! Don't settle for the status quo. Challenge it once in awhile.

The hardest spiritual battle isn't with sin. It is with boredom. So go do some battle!

1 comment:

The Brockman said...

Amen Mike - I recentlyn quit a job I did not like and am now doing something great that gives me flexibility and ignites the fires of my heart. Though not the fires of my wallet (LOL) - but I know that I am pursuing passions given to me by HIM! So therefor I am pursuing HIS passions as well! Am I right?