Saturday, January 24, 2009

Real prayer

Prayer has become one of those things that Christians are supposed to do. But as I step back and look at it, it has become a religious term. It is one of those words we use around the Christian table, but do we really know what it means anymore? I think, like a lot of things in Christianity, we have lost most of what the word was supposed to means. So what is prayer?

My 'Out of the box answer' goes like this - When I was a kid, my brother and I used to play this game where we would say a word over and over as fast as possible until the word lost its meaning, and just became a sound our mouths were making. I think that is the way prayer has become - a Christianeze word that we talk about, but don't understand any more. I personally try never to pray. I talk to God almost all day long, but that doesn't have anything to do with 'prayer'. And I don't believe prayer is ever about changing God's mind. If that were true, I would be God of the universe, because all I have to do is pray and I can control what He does.

If He always wants our good, why do we have to 'pray' to convince Him what is good? I believe prayer is always for our transformation and changing, not His. Prayer is about changing our mind, not His mind. Prayer is so we can get in line with His general and specific will for our lives, not so we can line Him up with ours. It is our participation in His transformation of our hearts.

Prayer is really all about us. Ironically, (or is it moronically) we think that prayer exists to change God' s mind. I wonder - if that is the purpose of prayer - to change His mind - then why does the Bible say He is never changing? The Bible does talk about Abraham changing God's mind when he negotiated for Sodom and Gomorrah (what a dumb investment that was!) I don't think that was an example of what we need to do in prayer. I think that was a Jr. High version of relationship with God - He enters into our immature definitions and understandings and requests out of sheer grace, not because He is so movable by our manipulations.

We think that prayer is our pump handle so God will give us whatever we think we need. That isn't relationship with God. That is using somebody for our ends.

Garth Brooks sings a song about begging God to give him the girl of his dreams when he was young. When he runs into her at a high school football game many years later, he thanks God for the unanswered prayer. What he thought he would have died without turned out to be a blessing to live without. So who are we to decide what we need, or to tell God what we want put on our plate?

My encouragement today is don't pray. Just talk to Papa, and listen lots. And forget trying to get Him to do what you think He needs to do. Instead, open yourself up to what He wants to do in you.


Nicole said...

Great post.

The other day I was cleaning a house by myself and I caught myself talking to myself out-loud and asked myself why I didn't talk to Father out-loud like I was to myself, so in that moment, I immediately started talking to Father. Thought that was funny and I that I would share that with you.

Yes, prayer in general is about 'me' or the person saying the prayer and really doesn't seem that there is a connection with Father in that process. Empty words, make for one sided conversations that aren't a real connection with Father at all!

Mike Ege said...

Thanks for the comment. We miss you guys!! Life seems to be keeping us both busy. Actually I am over in Durango more these days. I might stop in or call sometime.

The Brockman said...

I love the thoughts you have about prayer! It is so true! Life with Papa is what it is all about! And how we can allow Him to change us versus us change Him.