Saturday, December 6, 2008

Worrying for Jesus

Lets see, what is on my heart today? Life is good. I am somewhat overwhelmed with how good it is. I know deeply that I don't deserve whatever goodness God has given me. But do any of us?

I find that money is always tight, and God is always good - meaning that we haven't skipped a meal yet, haven't had to do without anything we really need, and haven't slept out on the ground without it being a backpacking trip yet. So the only thing that is really wrong is my tendency to worry (a lot of good that does). Somewhere inside is still the lie that I can control things if I just give it enough fretting. If you take that away, everything is just as it should be.

So what would it take to stop the worry? Maybe nothing more than a choice to admit I am not so powerful that I am going to accomplish anything by my worry anyway. Doesn't really seem like that much of a shift, does it?

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